Life more aware


Discover ways to heal...


Quantum physicists tell us that everything is vibration. Everything that exists has vibrations, including you.


With numerology, we can translate the vibrations (in your name and birthdate) and explain why you do what you do, the way you do it, your path in life, and why that thing you thought you’d gotten past keeps cropping up. We look at your heart’s desire, your talents and capabilities (your tool kit), your karmic lessons (those tools missing from your tool kit), and the timing on your life path.


With numerology you can see what the numbers in your life mean for you (is your house number your heart’s desire, or a karmic lesson?!) You can do a relationship comparison (why you do what you do, and your partner does what your partner does!) You can name your new business to align with how things work best for you. And more.


Because everything is vibration. You can line up with your own vibrations and know yourself better, with resulting feelings of peace and satisfaction. You can find harmony with self.


PSYCH-K® is a simple, direct way to change self-limiting beliefs at the subconscious level of the mind (where nearly all human behavior — both constructive and destructive — originates).


PSYCH-K® supports our individual evolution by enabling us to change self-defeating behaviors through changing the subconscious beliefs that support them. Many people hold self-limiting subconscious beliefs around spirituality, self-esteem, health and body issues, financial abundance, relationships, or career.


You can change your life.


PSYCH-K® works by increasing cross-talk between the two sides of the brain, thereby establishing a whole-brained state, which is ideal for reprogramming subconscious beliefs. And when the right and left hemispheres are communicating, the characteristics of both are available in the moment, giving access to both logical and emotional/intuitive processes.


That said, PSYCH-K® can work for you whether you choose to experience several sessions or a single one. To start, it is recommended that you have a session, take the results into your life for several days, then have a follow-up session to build on your successes.

Energy Work

Energy healing can remove blockages to the body’s energy fields, improving the flow of energy and facilitating the body’s own innate healing mechanisms.


Reiki is a Japanese healing modality that can address physical, emotional or mental issues, and open the connection between one’s physical body and the Universe. The practitioner channels Reiki to the client, balancing the energy centers and harmonizing the body’s systems, allowing the receiver to feel less stress, enhancing learning and memory, and promoting mental clarity and physical healing.


Reconnective Healing® is a new level of healing that transcends traditional energy healing techniques, bringing in energy, light and information from the Universe. The practitioner interacts with the Reconnective Healing® frequencies to facilitate healings physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.


What I do combines the techniques I have been trained in, so that a true channeling of energy occurs.

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